u know people i thought alot about wot i want to say then and after deep thinking i thought about u know talking about "the bright side of life" people i look everday at the world around me and all wot i see z anger sadness and desperation everwher i turn my face!
so why do we always keep convincing ourselves that we're sad,angry,desperate while we could be happy and cheerful???
you know there is a confession to make, and that confession is that i'm the most desperate and depressed guy you would ever see, i become desperate because i remained a prisoner of my deperation without fighting it back or trying to let loose of it but thank god that i finally now have enough faith in that i should be free of this because i feel that i've been down for so long and its now time to have myself back!!!
i'm telling you this because i just don't want anybody else to make the same mistake i made!
so go on people try to win your souls back and lets just stop nagging and complaining about our lives without doing anything to make it better lets move and try to make a change to the better and instead of being useless lets try to be good and productives in our societies and countries!!
ao at the end i just want to tell all of you why dnt we just look at the BRIGHT SIDE OF LIFE you know because life treats you depending on how you treat her!! so lets make promises to ourselves that we're going to be good and effecient, also why dont we ourselves be kinda cheering pumps to everyone around us???