the four longest words in english!!!!!
i hope u dnt find'em too sophisticated but they r really long!!!!!!
the first one: anticonstitutionalisticaly
which mean the law opposing sentence!!
in arabic:الحكم المناهض للقانون
the second one: antidisestableshmenteriansm
which means rejecting estableshmentry in dealings!!!
in arabic:رفض المؤسسية في التعامل
the third one: elementrycalibrationizationilizm
which means applying the use of basics according to the need of the trainees!
in arabic:تطبيق استخدام الاساسيات حسب حاجة المتدربين!
the fourth and the longest!!!
by the way this word has only been used once in the history of the english language and this word is:
this word was used in the famous novel of
"Alice in Wonder Land"
and this word means: something magnifecent enough to seem as if its ordinary!!!
in arabic: شئ مهول الى درجة يبدو فيها مألوفا او عاديا!
and these are the longest words in english my dear fellows, hope u like them
and after all i hope that you will be one day able to spell them correctly!!!
note: me myself it took me about 2 months to b able to spell them correctly!!!!!